Australia: Muslim cleric says Muslims have cleaner bathrooms, are more polite and smell better than non-Muslims – IOTW Report

Australia: Muslim cleric says Muslims have cleaner bathrooms, are more polite and smell better than non-Muslims

Pamela Geller:

Imagine if a non-Muslim speaker of any kind said something like this about Muslims. There would be an international outcry. But no one will take any particular notice of this.

“Non-believers are on the nose: Preacher who converted to Islam says Muslims have cleaner bathrooms, are more polite and smell better than those who don’t worship Allah,” by Stephen Johnson, Daily Mail Australia, August 16, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A preacher who converted to Islam has suggested Muslims smell better than non-believers.

Sunni sheikh Isa Graham used the analogy of a man accidentally walking into a hotel conference room to describe the superior cleanliness of Muslims.

‘When he walks into our area, he should know there must be Muslims here,’ he said, gesturing with his right hand covering his nose.

‘Because the bathroom’s the cleanest, the way that people are speaking to me is the most polite. And the smell is the best.’


40 Comments on Australia: Muslim cleric says Muslims have cleaner bathrooms, are more polite and smell better than non-Muslims

  1. He’s right. They are as pure as the wind-driven snow. And they will lawfare you to the poorhouse with that purity…

    “The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ordered Alabi in April to pay the tenants $6,000 each after he failed to take his shoes off in the bedroom were the couple prayed while he was showing the home to potential renters.”

  2. Any person raised in an English speaking counyrt that coverts to Islam after studying its tenets has severe mental issues. They are probably a psychopath.. Pay no attention to this Ahole.

  3. He’s never been to the middle east, has he?
    Revoke passport and citizenship, one way ticket to Saudi. That will either clear up his psychosis, or send him all the way around the bend.

  4. Yes they have clean bathrooms because they don’t use them. Just look up muslim woman poops in hospital lobby. I can’t link from my phone, it will gross you out.

  5. Yep, they use a shithole in the floor. Eurabia had an
    epidemic of toilets blowing up and collapsing from those
    turd burglers squatting on top of the bowls to shit.

  6. He’s should meet the Kurds I went to college with. Those guys had a stench I’ve never encountered before or since.

    And by the way, they loved Egg McMuffins. So much for having an issue with pork.

  7. A Muslime bathroom is two foot holds with a 4″ hole in the floor and a water hose. They are one of the nastiest bathrooms ever conceived.

    If you have ever been on an international flight and been forced to sit near a muslime prey that your nose is stopped up. They do not bathe regularly and do not use antiperspirant. They try to cover their body odor with perfume. A sweetish tinge of rank BO can make you gag.

    Once again muslime lies to the non-followers of the pedophile Muhammad.

  8. after spending 13 months on Iraq in 05/06 I can assure you that muslin bathrooms are the most unsanitary rooms I have ever seen. As a master plumber I was absolutely appalled at the untrapped fixtures, floor sinks being utilized for toilets and the cross-connections to supply lines so Iraqis could wash after use.
    Needless to say I did not hesitate to remedy these situations. Trying to explain basic sanitation to an Iraqi is like herding cats. what you get from them is “we have always done it this way”. It took me a month to explain the encentristies of a simple P trap. I faced a revolt when I required western style toilets be installed and required the removal of all kitchen sink sprayers for supply lines. Iraqi’s use them for washing their asses. This creates a direct cross-connection with fecal waste and potable water. I’m thinking about writing a book about that 13 month. Herding cats would be an excellent title.

  9. “Ahkmed, did you cut a fart?” “No.” “Did you step in a pile of shit?” “No.” “Did you shit your pants?” “No.” “Take down your pants. I think you’re lying.” “What the hell is that? There’s a big pile of shit in your pants. Why did you tell me you did not shit your pants?” “Oh. I thought you meant today.”

  10. I will just say that it was hard for me to tell the difference between the trough you’re supposed to straddle and the trough you’re supposed to wash your feet before prayer time. Both were just plain nasty.

  11. I came across some toilets in Jordan when I went on a training junket with the Special Forces One was actually nice — but then again it was in a hotel for Westerners in the capitol. The typical toilet is as previously described — a porcelain hole that you have to sqat over with a little hose to wash things away to a septic tank on the other side of the wall.

    So, one word of advice — dont visit the Middle East if you have fucked up knee. One other detail, the septic tank attracted flies by the hundreds. Every once in a while, someone would spray insecticide on the septic tank. Next thing you know, there would be a carpet of thousands of dead flies on the ground around the septic tank. For real

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