Australia Orders Facial Recognition Company to Cease and Delete All Data – IOTW Report

Australia Orders Facial Recognition Company to Cease and Delete All Data

Tatum Report: A joint investigation between Australia and the U.K. found that a New York based startup has breached the Australian Privacy Act 1988 by collecting facial recognition data on its unwitting citizens and demanded that it all be deleted.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and the U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) joined forces to investigate Clearview A.I., Inc.’s operations and deemed its practices “obtrusive and unfair.”

Angelene Falk, Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner, said in a statement that Clearview A.I. scraped biometric information from the web before disclosing it through a facial recognition tool, clearly breaching Australians’ privacy. She claims the company automated the collection of sensitive biometric data on a large scale for profit. MORE

7 Comments on Australia Orders Facial Recognition Company to Cease and Delete All Data

  1. Yes, Fine,

    But what will they do with all those pics of my junk I keep sending to everyone when I get bored an know that they are in serious meetings?

  2. grool NOVEMBER 8, 2021 AT 6:45 PM

    Is this the protect the identity of police stormtrooping into citizen’s homes?

    It does seem counter to the authoritarian’s desire to control everyone, so maybe you’re right.

    You have to ask yourself: “How does this benefit them?” They don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit them unless forced to and I don’t see any righteous pressure being applied.


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