Australia: Reality TV star dropped from management over Instagram post critical of “drag queen story time” – IOTW Report

Australia: Reality TV star dropped from management over Instagram post critical of “drag queen story time”

Reclaim the Net: Australian reality TV star Dean Wells has been dropped by his management over a post criticizing a “drag queen story time” event. He received backlash over the post, which was deemed harmful to the “LGBTQIA+” community.

Wells’ agency, Stage Addiction, dropped him because the “hurtful comments” he made “do not align with our values.”

Wells re-posted an image that drag performer Charisma Belle had himself posted on his Instagram account.

The image of the drag queen who would be reading at the event, Charisma Belle, legs spread, and a taco in the crotch. MORE

6 Comments on Australia: Reality TV star dropped from management over Instagram post critical of “drag queen story time”

  1. No “Free Speech” in the Commonwealth, eh?

    Guess the idea of “subjects” is that the peons be subjected to the whims of the rulers.
    Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Egypt, Sudan – England poisoned them all – not a one of them worth a pinch of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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