Australian left shocked as anti-global warming policies cost it a national election – IOTW Report

Australian left shocked as anti-global warming policies cost it a national election

American Thinker-> The polls were unanimous that the leftist Labor Party was going to defeat the conservatives (confusingly called “The Liberal Party”) in yesterday’s election and take over the government of Australia. As with the inevitable Hillary Clinton presidency, the polls were wrong.

While any election is decided on multiple issues, especially in a continent-sized nation like Australia, most close observers believe that global warming policies, especially the move to close the massive Adani Coal Mine project in Queensland – the subject of enormous demonstrations – and skyrocketing prices for electricity made the difference.

Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun (paywalled) writes:

This election is huge. Consider.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale:

This is a climate change election.

Labor leader Bill Shorten:

This election is all about climate change.

Guardian Australia editor Katherine Murphy:

2019 is the climate change election.

It was indeed, and they lost.


11 Comments on Australian left shocked as anti-global warming policies cost it a national election

  1. Good, people here should get their heads out of their asses too and realize that energy prices will skyrocket to the point of complete insolvency if the GW laws are implemented.
    Politicians just see this farce as another means of manipulating the inattentive public and knee jerk decisions are destructive.

  2. …I wouldn’t look for China and India to jump on the GW bandwagon, and they have WAY more people than WE do, so all it does is wreck the West, give liberal Govenments COMPLETE control over their peasants in the name of “environment”, and enriches liberal “climate change” companies like Al Gore’s, while doing NOTHING for any actual “climate”.

    …but they knew that when they made it up in the FIRST place…

  3. I especially love how all the betting agencies lost over 1.5 million dollars as they actually paid out to those who bet on Labor winning before the election results were called. So they lost that money (ha,ha,ha!) as well as having to pay the winners. Looks good on them!

  4. Big Momma MAY 20, 2019 AT 9:15 AM
    “I especially love how all the betting agencies lost over 1.5 million dollars as they actually paid out to those who bet on Labor winning before the election results were called.”

    Do you notice that organized crime ALWAYS seems to want leftists to win? Why do you suppose that is…

  5. “While any election is decided on multiple issues…”

    Pretty sure Australians don’t like their current Refugee/Immigration policies, either. But they’re damned sure not going to tell that to Labour pollsters, and the pollsters don’t want to know, so look for continued shock, anger and defeat on the left.


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