Australian officials say massive COVID lockdown was based on false claim from pizza worker – IOTW Report

Australian officials say massive COVID lockdown was based on false claim from pizza worker

Just The News:

Officials in the Australian state of South Australia are claiming that the state’s recent COVID-19 lockdown was precipitated by a false statement from a pizza worker.

The state ordered its roughly 1.8 million residents to stay home and indoors after health authorities deduced that an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 had contracted the virus after a brief visit to a pizza restaurant. Officials were concerned that the strain of the virus was extremely contagious given the ease with which the subject reportedly caught it. read more

10 Comments on Australian officials say massive COVID lockdown was based on false claim from pizza worker

  1. The bosses shut down an entire Australian state based on a single report of one, count them, one, Chicom lung rot infectee, and did so without checking the report’s accuracy.

    The combination of fat-headedness and heavy-handedness is breathtaking.

  2. The whole tough Crocodile Dundee image was complete BULLSHIT.

    I have watched a lot of their parliament highlights and SJW bullshit on Youtube. They are actually worse than Britain & Canada.
    Rebel Media has had many segments on their lockdown police. Worse than anything in US, Canada, Britain etc.

    The Ball Freezing weather helps to toughen up Canadians a little bit, and the decades of Terrorism from many different sources and Gang violence toughens up the Brits.

  3. Does anyone have any idea how many of the people who “catch” covid by testing positive actually get sick from it?

    That information’s gotta be somewhere but I have no idea how to find it.


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