Australians pay Al Gore $320k to conduct climate training as rare snowfall hits – IOTW Report

Australians pay Al Gore $320k to conduct climate training as rare snowfall hits

Climate Depot:

Aussie Alan Jones: Taxpayers will fork out more than $320,000 for the Climate Week conference, where form US vice president Al Gore will “communicate the urgency of the climate crisis”.“It is not believable,” says Alan Jones, “that the Queensland government can be so awash with money as to bring this hypocrite Al Gore to Australia for a conference.“When so many important instruments of government are underfunded, when farmers can’t feed their cattle in Queensland, and $320,000 goes to waste on this shonk.”

Jo Nova: Fittingly, The Gore effect strikes again. Snow fell in Queensland. (The last time it fell was 2015.)

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15 Comments on Australians pay Al Gore $320k to conduct climate training as rare snowfall hits

  1. The democrat front man Al Gore is terrified to debate anyone with a divergent opinion on the climate. That alone should clue these idiots he’s nothing but a carnival barker.

  2. Since this thread is about phonies, i’ll bring up another one. –warren buffett

    According to article at zerohedge, buffett’s company invested 300 million in a ponzi scheme solar company to get tax credits. Now berkshire is warning that it will take a hit to earnings because the tax credits will be dissallowed.

    Buffett is the phony who claims we need higher taxes because our tax code isn’t fair. But he tries everything in his power to get out of paying taxes. Including investing in a crooked solar company.

    And get this: here’s what he said about it in their disclosur:

    ” As a result of our investigation into these allegations, we now believe that it is more likely than not that the income tax benefits that we recognized are not valid.””

    See, he isn’t a phony pos that tries to get out of taxes with underhanded schemes. He is an “investigator”, one of the good guys.

    Warren Buffett is even WORSE than George Soros.

  3. Australia…. I would share the truth about globull warming to many more Australian people for a very small fraction of what you pay Gore for his parroting of failed research, lies and hypocrisy.
    call me.

  4. Lemme guess here. alGore traveled to Australia in his private jet, burning thousands of gallons of fuel.

    And yet he’s pushing his Global Warming/ Climate Change/ Climate Crisis/Scam-Name-du-Jour?

    He really is despicable.


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