Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull resigns – IOTW Report

Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull resigns

American Thinker: Devotion to the global warming fraud has driven from office the head of government of a major democracy.  Facing a no confidence vote from the Liberal Party (which is actually what passes for a conservative party in Australia – the Labor Party is the leftist party Down Under), Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull resigned.

Turnbull had lost 40 to 45 what the Aussies call a “spill motion” to short-circuit a leadership ballot in the party.  The party then chose Scott Morrison as new party leader and therefore prime minister in their coalition with the National Party, which holds 16 seats and represents rural areas.

John McMahon comments from Australia:

Scott Morrison was the treasurer under Turnbull.  With Morrison as prime minister, the leftist policies of Turnbull will doubtlessly continue.  The vote was close, being 45-40, meaning that Peter Dutton was only three votes away from being P.M.

Thus, the “war” between the true moderates, called the right by the leftists, and the so-called “moderates,” who are in effect leftist liberals, will continue.  There is the very real probability that in the very near future, possibly after the next federal election, that there will be a formal split in the Liberal Party.

Josh Frydenberg has been elected as deputy leader of the Liberals (remember: the position of deputy prime minister is reserved for the leader of the National Party in terms of the Coalition Agreement).

Josh Frydenberg’s mother, Erika Strausz, was a Hungarian Jew born in 1943 who arrived in Australia in 1950 as a stateless child from a refugee camp after escaping from the Holocaust.

There is little doubt that green energy policies cost Turnbull his office.  There has been widespread dissatisfaction over electricity prices that have skyrocketed as a result of the closure of coal-fired power plants (Australia is a major coal-exporter) and replacement with unreliable green energy (that has caused major blackouts).  more here

6 Comments on Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull resigns

  1. Caused by closure of coal-fired power plants replaced with unreliable green energy …

    Good rule in life: Don’t get rid of something that works okay until you are certain the replacement works okay

  2. Remember when the Deepers leaked a transcript of a conversation between Trump and Turnbull, only eight days into Trump’s term? They expected to damage Trump, but only managed to reveal their own treachery. Trump was expected to be driven from office a few months after that. Now look who’s being driven from office. Beware the Trump Curse, Deepers.

  3. Check out Avi Yemeni on his douchetube channel for the truth abiut Australia and how fucked up things are there. Bad problems with the mozlem cult scumbags.

  4. O.K., the best thing we can do is tell Australia that we’re really rooting* for them right now.

    *…it…. um…. it just doesn’t mean the same thing as it does here.


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