Austria: Police tell blonde victim of Muslim migrant assault to dye her hair – IOTW Report

Austria: Police tell blonde victim of Muslim migrant assault to dye her hair

muslim rape victim

JihadWatch: “The police told me that attacks are now a daily routine. And it’s going to get worse.” And so instead of confronting the Muslim migrants, or reviewing the policy of bringing them in to the country, Austrian police are telling women to change their behavior. European society appears to be in a state of full collapse, with no one apparently willing to defend Western societies and Western values: soon Austrian police will be advising women to wear hijab in order to avoid being raped.  more

11 Comments on Austria: Police tell blonde victim of Muslim migrant assault to dye her hair

  1. It is terrible to see that ordinary Austrians have two deadly enemies: the feral mohammadmen invaders, and their own govt.

    Rather than a simple head-covering hijab, perhaps Austrian women (maybe men, too) should wear the full burka: You can carry a lot of weaponry under a burka.

  2. To quote a Ronnie hating RINO who lied when he said it, “Build the dam wall!”!
    FO you young’uns who do not knowwhy he hated Ronnie. Ronnie wanted him in jail. Why? Keating FIVE all but called themselves a Dem. One RINO

  3. Actually to avoid being a victim anywhere on earth you just need to walk around like you own the place. And get a knife, spec ops issue. That’ll learn them goat molestors right fast it will.

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