Austria: Somali Migrant She-Beast Attacks Woman Walking Her ‘Unclean’ Dogs – IOTW Report

Austria: Somali Migrant She-Beast Attacks Woman Walking Her ‘Unclean’ Dogs


A middle aged woman was hospitalized in Vienna due to a beating she received in broad daylight by a veiled Somali asylum seeker who was offended by her canine pets.

Speaking with Kronen Zeitung, the victim, named only as Ingrid T, described the incident.

Ingrid T claimed she was talking with neighbors at her garden gate with her two dogs, one of which is deaf, almost blind and three legged, when she “saw a pretty, veiled woman approaching slowly.”

“I knew some people from these countries do not like dogs, so I went to Poco and wanted to pull him back,” she explained.

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23 Comments on Austria: Somali Migrant She-Beast Attacks Woman Walking Her ‘Unclean’ Dogs

  1. Don’t allow vermin into the house and you won’t have to suffer their eccentricities.

    Part of the problem with rat-people is that they can’t contain their rattishness.
    Uncivilized behavior and intolerance of your host’s customs are earmarks of rat-ism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Mohammed hated dogs but Mohammedans have reportedly long admired cats, so the stories of disembowled kittens is more probably due to psychotic inbred retards more than Islam. Still, the remedy is the same (though Europe will never apply it).

  3. Carry a baseball bat and a gun at all times.

    Did the woman do time? The other animal tortures, killers do time?

    Torturing animals is the sociopath’s first step to a life extreme violence. They never do serious time until they kill somebody.

  4. I previously told the story of a Muslim woman trying to intimidate me over my 3 1/3 half pound dog in my cart in Home Goods. She came across the store in a storm to tell me it was dirty to let a dog sit in a cart. My puppy, known as “Monster” has a little pillow to sit on or her skinny little legs would dangle through the holes in the cart. I told the woman this and I told her to mind her own business and get away from me. I did this at a volume everyone in the store could hear. When she ran from the store she almost tripped over a huge Rottweiler. Much to my delight!
    Like most cowards they run when confronted.

  5. “My puppy, known as “Monster” has a little pillow to sit on or her skinny little legs would dangle through the holes in the cart. ”

    That is the cutest thing I have read all day! lol
    Yeah, that bitch can go fly a carpet. I’m glad you shamed her.

  6. As has been stated before…

    Why do they hate dogs?

    Because dogs are extremely good at judging the character of the humans they interact with, so their negative reaction to the mussies.

    Dogs out them as vermin and that’s their problem with the canines. And yes, I believe that dogs are probably cleaner than many of these animals from Africa and the Mid East.

  7. Speaking of clean animals…

    Have a part time job in security and went into the bathroom after one of these imports used it. Found FOOT PRINTS on the porcelain commode. Pulled his pants down, picked up the seat, stood on the commode squatting while taking a crap. Guess the seat usage is forbidden by Allah.

    Modern toilets are beyond their comprehension. Don’t even want to think about which hand he used to…

    Brought to you by the letters “W, T & F.”

  8. MJA, That Bitch can go fly a carpet has Monster and I laughing!

    RottyLover, I love that you are getting a cross for Sister’s collar. Where I trained my Bearded Collies to herd Rottweilers were also being trained. Amazing dogs, I had a whole new respect for their skills. They are also very silly for such intimidating looking dogs.

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