Austrians Arm Themselves Against Muslim Anschluss, Etc – IOTW Report

Austrians Arm Themselves Against Muslim Anschluss, Etc

VDARE: Headline from Russia Today: Austrians snapping up shotguns as thousands of Mideast refugees enter country.


The substance of the story is that Austrians are trampling flat the edelweiss in a stampede to arm themselves as young Muslim men pour into their country.

You can buy a shotgun in Austria without a permit; for rifles and handguns there is paperwork. Applications for that paperwork have soared; shotguns are walking off the shelves of gun stores.  more

guns and nuns


11 Comments on Austrians Arm Themselves Against Muslim Anschluss, Etc

  1. So muslime immigration is good for the economy. After all the gun sales there will be ammunition sales. That is, if BMO can’t stop it. Thank God for oceans. Other wise, our dear leader would be flooding amerika with even more muslime terrorists.

  2. The EU has been lecturing Israel about accepting the hoards of koranimals for a long time.
    Maybe if the EU just cedes land there won’t be war at the borders.
    As with Israel, the EU can surely accept bombings, knife attacks, gangs of rock throwing youths, and gang rapes that are intrinsic to the culture of the koranimals.
    As Germany has long (at least since Hitler) sided with Islam against Israel, maybe giving Germany to the refugees would be a good start.

  3. The atheistic POS Europeans deserve what they have wrought. Collectively they brought it upon themselves. Their arrogance will be their undoing and that applies to all societies that think they can remake human nature and perfect man.

  4. soon, black lives matter, illegal demonstrations, gay rights, islamophobiants, feminism, atheist protests, etc. will blow away in the wind

    we will all be fighting islam tooth and nail together

  5. Reminds me of the British MPs campaigning at NRA meetings in 1940 begging American civilians to donate guns, any guns so they could defend against invasion after leaving the lion’s share of their arms at Dunkirk

    Then, after the danger passed, they ceded their right to be armed, just like they had after winning it with Magna Carta and again with the Constitution written after their civil war. Twice they fought for the right to be armed only to later give the right away for charity from,”the crown”.

    Royalist sentiment still runs too deep here, the very fact that a Bush and a Clinton have any chance at POTUS is testament. The smartest thing we ever did was deport all the roaylists after the revolution. . . the stupidest thing we ever did was not making it an annual event.

  6. Arm yourself AFTER you let the rats into the house?

    Defense is a sure loser.

    Patton said: “Grab em by the nose and kick em in the ass!”

    Which is Patton-speak for “tie their front with an attack while you maneuver around and destroy them.”

    But y’all knew that.

  7. The Europeans need to arm themselves with the contents of their nations’ military arsenals. They have been betrayed by their governments, and nothing short of taking up arms and ending the problem themselves is going to help.

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