Another Addition To Our Pet Portrait Gallery
This is Reiuxcat’s patriot cat CLEO. email me at if you’re interested. See the rest of the portraits HERE.
This is Reiuxcat’s patriot cat CLEO. email me at if you’re interested. See the rest of the portraits HERE.
It took awhile. And it’s way too late, but, damn! RawStory A neuroscientist explains: Obama has a mental disorder. According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and [Read More]
Dave Blount keenly observes that the line on Trump is he can’t be bought, but that doesn’t mean he can’t do the buying. Story HERE Blount’s exit thoughts are- Drudge is [Read More]
So, in the “Latin” iteration of All in the Family, will Lear be having his actors saying racist and bigoted stuff like, spear chucker, spade, dago, wop, honky, cracker, spic and [Read More]
ht/ jackie
Spike Lee sees no problem when the athletes dribbling basketballs on his precious hardwood are entirely black, with the one lone red-headed white back-up center waving a towel all game, but he [Read More]
This is the problem child that is going to turn us into a 3rd world country. This is the Bernie Sanders voter. This is the shitstain that he’s placating and who [Read More]
As Nolte says in this article, this is classic Clinton-tactics. Send David Brock out to attack Bernie Sanders, and if it backfires or doesn’t land, disavow yourself from the statements. [Read More]
NEWSER) – When Don Smith found his son, Justin, lying in a McAdoo, Pa., snowbank on Feb. 21, 2015, after Justin had tried to walk home from a bar the [Read More]
Moonbattery – It is so easy to qualify for disability that a growing number of Americans are retiring in their 20s. This is how the Obama Regime is able to [Read More]
Instapundit said, jokingly, last summer that we might see a Bernie Sanders/Donald Trump race for the presidency. But now he’s not laughing. He thinks these will be the election contenders.
We’ve heard the left scoff at the right when we’ve said the 2nd amendment is necessary in order to combat an oppressive government. “Civilians with guns are no match for [Read More]
Colbert invited the leader of #BlackLivesMatter onto his show and pretty much told him that his movement is in search of a problem that has no remedy. At one point, discussing [Read More]
A Mat Best, Article 15 video, about 2 fallen brothers in Iraq. It’s not the usual irreverence one expects from the Art 15 crew. It gives a little backstory to [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.