Articles by BFH
New Hampshire: House Committee to Hear Legislation that would Require Liability Insurance to Simply Own a Gun
NRA- On Thursday, January 21, at 1:45 p.m., the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing in the Legislative Office Building Room 302 to discuss radical anti-gun [Read More]
University Wants To Get Rid of Nickname “The Crusaders”
Jihad Watch This is just another indication of the all-pervasive fact that the West has lost its cultural confidence, its pride in its history, and its willingness to defend its [Read More]
Message From Lunatic White People To Black – “So Sorry”
Campus Reform According to a sub-page defining the term (adapted from a definition developed by theUniversity of Calgary), whiteness “does not simply refer to skin color[,] but [to] an ideology [Read More]
George Will In Stage 3 of Dementia
Read this and tell me he’s medically sound. Daily Caller – George Will says conservatives will not go silently into the night if Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination. [Read More]
Married School Teacher Sends Lewd and Nude Texts To Student (14)
Here’s the pic of the married teacher. Be honest, does it matter to you which one is the teacher, the male or the female?
The Wacky Scientist From Italy Claims He’s Transplanted A Monkey’s Head
Remember the loon who drew his plans on a cocktail napkin and said he discovered the technique for head transplantation (which would be used for curing paralysis)? It looked like [Read More]
Gawker Readers Mock The Young Carson Volunteer Who Was Tragically Killed While Campaigning
Braden Joplin (25) – RIP – You Were Better Than Most Gawker Readers Comments -Unbelievably tragic, dying for the Ben Carson presidential campaign seems like one of the most depressing [Read More]
Sanders’ Tax Plan Confiscates 50% More Than What is Currently Strong-Armed By Government
Bernie needs boatloads and boatloads of more cash from U.S. citizens to realize his personal dream – controlling everything. He needs to grab 50% more of what Americans earn in [Read More]
British Special Air Service Dress in Burqas To Carry Out Raid on ISIS
BRAVE SAS heroes dressed up in BURKAS to carry out a daring raid on the Islamic State (ISIS) headquarters in Syria which led to an evil jihadi leader being vaporized, [Read More]
Sanders Rally Uses Homeless Shelter – Forcing People Out into the Cold
A little bit of irony here. Bizpacreview- Alabama officials were unable to open an emergency homeless shelter Monday because the auditorium was being used for a Sen. Bernie Sanders rally, forcing [Read More]
This spelling error cannot be contained
We all make spelling errors. (Well, you do, not me. I’m perfect. I make typos.) And yes, their is a difforense between a tupo, a spelling errer and fatigue. Fatigue can cause [Read More]
“Greetings Muslim Immigrants. I Am Your Friend And I’m Here To Do a Film Abo…” CLUNK!
American Thinker – If a neo-conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, what do you call a European who goes to welcome Muslim immigrants and gets savagely robbed? Besides a [Read More]
Hey Feminists, Imam Blames Women For Their Rapes – They Deserved It the Way They Dressed and Wore Perfume
Still? Are you still down with the whole “I support the Muslims” thing? Breitbart- Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted [Read More]