BFH – Page 1991 – IOTW Report

The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 16:02 BFH 23

FDR in Hell- This provocative video profiles MLK (whose real name was Michael, not the religiously significant name Martin.) Michael plagiarized his way to a PhD and was a Communist whose mission was to [Read More]

The Truth About Huma Abedin

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 16:00 BFH 28

Breitbart has an article about Hillary fuming mad about some very, very rare unfriendly reporting about Huma Abedin. Vanity Fair wrote an article called “Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret [Read More]

The Symbolism Is Not Lost On Me

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 3:33 BFH 14

A building where the Bill of Rights is believed to have been born was partially demolished.   Fox-  It was a historic mistake. A Pennsylvania building believed to be the birthplace [Read More]

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