Articles by BFH
This Infighting Between Trumpsters and Cruzers on iOTWreport Ends Today
You see this guy —–> He will be a better president than either this crunt——> or this crazy cranky, bastard.——> See this guy———-> He would also make a better president than the crunt or [Read More]
Stand Down Order At Benghazi Has NEVER Been Debunked
Progressives will tell you the the stand down order was debunked. Where, when was that? CainTV- Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Wednesday that [Read More]
I Made a Poor Business Decision
Never let a crisis go to waste. But I was off my game. I sunk hundreds into printing up these bumper stickers for a Cruz rally. I didn’t sell not [Read More]
Here are some posters Europe’s been forced to put up because of feral Muslims
The first poster is from Switzerland where savages have been instructed not to slap their wives and children around. It also tells them that they shouldn’t fly into a rage [Read More]
Breaking – Pastor Saeed and 3 Other Prisoners Released by Iran
It’s a prisoner swap. Jay Sekulow tells the story on video HERE. Story
ICYMI – Judge Treats Inmate’s Frivolous Lawsuit Against the Prison With Little Respect
He renders his decision from the bench in the form of a poem. The poem will give you a little insight to what the inmate’s claim was. Cold showers caused [Read More]
It Wasn’t Rape Rape
Remember the story about the gang rape in Brooklyn where the father was chased away at gunpoint when he was walking with his daughter through a playground? Well, finally after [Read More]
My NY Values Tells Me This is a Stupid Issue
Adam Baldwin posted a video on Twitter of a 17 year-old interview where Trump not only acknowledges the existence of NY Values, but goes on to say he can explain his [Read More]
TV Writer Who Wants More Diversity Uses War Footing Expression Against White People
I’m not opposed to good television shows having diverse casts. When the series is good it doesn’t matter at all who the actors are. I don’t watch a good movie [Read More]
Is Hillary’s Suspected Lesbianism Because of the Way She Dresses, Or is it Because of What Bill Told Gennifer?
Salon tries to run defense for Hillary by suggesting that us CIS gender, heteronormative morons don’t know what we’re talking about if we’re basing our innuendos on Hillary’s pantsuits. But’s [Read More]
We Need Trump’s Wrestling Name
The New York Valuer? ht/ Jerry Manderin
It’s this
Just tell everyone it’s an antenna. The same people who want to make a bong out of everything are busy making ‘this” out of everything. We’re living in the monkey [Read More]