How About Now?
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This is your final answer
How About Now? ht/ bad brad
An offer for a Romantic Weekend Hunting package has been shut down by the Austrian government. They said it was nothing but prostitution. A travel group was organizing hunting trips that [Read More]
NTDWA- A wild car chase ensued through the streets of Portsmouth, Virginia, on Tuesday night as Sheriff Bill Watson pursued Mayor Kenny Wright. It happened moments after the city council [Read More]
The answer is no, because the government isn’t “wrong,” they’re lying. That’s two different things. They know their data is rigged, and it was rigged in order to divert money away from [Read More]
Voted most likely to be a d-bag With virtually everyone calling the police shooting in Philly an act of terror (a Muslim shouting Allahu Ackbar tried to kill a police [Read More]
It’s the KEY to the loser’s bathroom.
Behrain is over 100 miles away from Iran. You can’t see it. even if you were on a tower 2700 feet in height you could only see 64 miles into [Read More]
Do you know who this couple is? All Canadians know who they are. They are their national disgrace. This couple is among the most depraved serial rapist/murderers in the world. [Read More]
I remember reading this and thinking, “throw Goldman-Sachs in the headline, put in ‘a million dollars’ and the word ‘improper’ and you have the makings of a lofo scandal.” Reader [Read More]
But… but … but… how can they paint with such a broad brush??? Because they never had girls sexually assaulted in the pool before the religion of peace showed up, [Read More]
DR- Trump will pay for the showing of “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” at 6 p.m. Friday at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre at 86th Street and Hickman [Read More]
I remember seeing some footage of luminaries coming to DC when JFK was lying in state and Harry Truman showed up. It was weird because I thought Truman had died already. So [Read More]
Matthews asks Schumer the difference between a democrat and a socialist. Schumer balks. These politicians don’t want to answer Chris Matthews’ oft asked question because like any other question, they don’t [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.