Articles by BFH
Trucker Plows Over 6 American Veteran’s Graves
Faraz Namdari drove his overweight tractor trailer down the wrong road, passing signs that said “No Trucks,” and entering the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. What does he do when he wants [Read More]
Here Ya Go – New And Accurate Name For Refugees
This Guy Just Hit a Home Run – The Tears of a Clown
HT/ Bad Brad
Congrats Philly… Your Mayor is.. uhh… fabulous
Mayor Jim Kenney’s tweets are… I dunno. And then there’s these Jasmine smells so exotic. Tried to buy pure Jasmine oil. OMG! It’s expensive. I’ve been just Krazy over Kale [Read More]
Eww – Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s Fame Says He Has an Idea of What a Bernie Sanders Ice Cream Would Taste Like
Ya, so do I. Hemorrhoid cream and Efferdent. He says he hasn’t thought of a name, perhaps Bernie’s Yearning. Um, how about “You eventually run out of other people’s ice cream?” [Read More]
Sorry Lady, Syrian Refugees DO HAVE TIES TO ISIS
Not all Syrian refugees have ties to ISIS, but there’s enough. How many Muslims carried out the worst atrocity on American soil? That’s right, 19. So, stfu and sit down. You’re [Read More]
ICYMI – Soaring Valor
ht/ kpark
A Century Ago
See the rest of the list HERE
Mayor Jim Kenney is the New Anthony Weiner – Angry, Out of Control, Big Mouth
Mark my words, Jim Kenney has skeletons, and when you’re this much of an a-hole those skeletons make it to the light of day. Ask Anthony Weiner. Here’s a profile [Read More]
There Are Still 200 Unanswered State Department Record Requests Dating Back To the Bill Clinton Era
From Bill to Hillary, transparency is not thy name. There are still 200 pending requests of the state department from when Madeline Albright was secretary of state. Albright says of [Read More]
Pen and Phone President Warns That If He Sets Precedent On Executive Action, Future President’s Could Play Politics And Do Same
Audacity of Dope Mr. Executive power is suddenly wary that executive action is too risky because the precedent might cause future presidents to wield the power too politically. Obama’s on [Read More]
Weirdo Philly Mayor Says This Shooting Has Nothing To Do With Islam
The guy said he shot in THE NAME OF ISLAM. Kenney says it has nothing to do with Islam.
Expect More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims To Emerge in the Next Year
Insiders who’ve written about Bill Clinton’s licentiousness say to expect more victims to speak out as Bill closes in, once again, on the white house. The leftist line is that Bill is not [Read More]
Michelle Obama’s Oddball Gun Statement is Seconded By Her Oddball Husband
While campaigning for the presidency and visiting rural farms in Iowa, Michelle said to Barack that she would want “a rifle or a shotgun” to protect her family since the [Read More]