BFH – Page 2019 – IOTW Report

The sH*tler was most likely a myth

Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 19:13 BFH 30

The scatstika that sparked the outrage and led to the Missou’s president to have to “step down while being white,” most likely never happened.

Man Bun

Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 16:02 BFH 27

ht/ Menderman Haven’t put in the time to grow your hair long enough to adorn yourself with an awesome symbol of asshattery? No problem. For $9.99 you can clip one [Read More]

Obama’s Out

Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 12:52 BFH 43

  President #BarackObama is our Ally of the Year and cover of the #Out100: — Out Magazine (@outmagazine) November 10, 2015 Out – This is the first time a [Read More]

It Happened 40 Years Ago Today

Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 12:42 BFH 23

ht/ Rob E. 40 years later and we have a president that is openly talking about, gleefully, mind you, how Gerald Fits Edmund’s Rectum.


Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 11:30 BFH 15

It’s going to be 2016 in 6 weeks. The oceans have a lot of work to do in a short period of time. source ht/ just the tip

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