San Bernardino Victims
Pamela Geller has a compendium and a tribute to the victims who died by the wretched and hateful hands of Muslims in San Bernardino, California.
Pamela Geller has a compendium and a tribute to the victims who died by the wretched and hateful hands of Muslims in San Bernardino, California.
STP has long disbanded. Weiland was on tour with his latest band, The Wildabouts. He was 48, and a notorious heroin addict. No word on whether this is what did [Read More]
Raheel, the fatter Farook has been awarded numerous Naval service medals, including one for… the war on terror! Rizwan, his brother, is responsible for the most heinous act of terror on U.S. soil [Read More]
Jean Shepherd’s radio recital of what would later become A Christmas Story movie.
This absolute dumbbell, Casey Jordan, a “criminologist,” reminds everyone that the shooting took place during a Christmas party, which “might have been offensive to the shooter.” So, that’s where we [Read More]
Hillary is well aware of how incredulous a nation was after she said that women who claim rape should be believed as a matter of course. She said this while her husband has [Read More]
Joe 6 Pak has donated a few Cruz and Trump truck magnets to iOTWreport. The winner of this contest can pick which magnet they want. Joe doesn’t know it yet, [Read More]
HT/ WaitForIt Now, keep in mind, I’m not saying that I think California needs more gun laws. But, having the laws they do have now, how in the world can [Read More]
This seems about right for CNN.
Listen to what this police officer says when he is helping people evacuate from inside the center that was under siege by terrorists. I’m not going to post what he [Read More]
Just who the frig is this Tashfeen Malik? There are no records of her, there is no info on her, there are no pictures of her. She’s a mystery. There [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.