I now pronounce you Man and Former Stepchild
78 year-old man seeks to marry his 68 year-old adopted son The report says that the older man adopted the “younger” guy in 2012 in order to manipulate the law [Read More]
78 year-old man seeks to marry his 68 year-old adopted son The report says that the older man adopted the “younger” guy in 2012 in order to manipulate the law [Read More]
Remember the manhunt for the two white males and the black male who allegedly shot and killed the Illinois police officer who was on foot pursuit? Today’s press conference is [Read More]
She just landed in Qatar, ready to waste tax-payer money on another BS initiative, but never mind all that. You simply must see her new outfit. It’s to die laughing for!
Moonbattery: Given that the hoax has been repeatedly debunked by the failure of the climate to conform to politically motivated pseudo-scientific models, and that even when the climate does start [Read More]
Titled, “When the Media Attacks, Ted Fights Back!,” the ad shows video where Senator Cruz goes on the offensive against the left media’s bias on display during the CNBC debate [Read More]
Bruce says he’s still into women. So how do these asshole judges rule on Bruce’s access to the woman’s locker room? Ben Shapiro- On Monday, the federal government declared itself fit for [Read More]
This is where we are. While the left guffaws and snorts when someone says there is a war on Christianity, THERE IS A WAR ON CHRISTIANITY!!!!! ht/ Kathy Shaidle
If Obama thinks his record reflects a betterment of race relations, he’s more lost, sick and tone deaf than we feared. There are black people intentionally interrupting working class white [Read More]
BigFurHat, I guess it was only a matter of time until Project Veritas, of the ACORN videos fame, went back to colleges. Now they’ve gotten adminstrators at Vassar and Oberlin [Read More]
DailyCaller: The family of a Chicago man gunned down during a robbery attempt are calling for his shooter, a concealed weapon permit-holder, to be prosecuted for the shooting. The Washington [Read More]
Fracking Derangement Syndrome
Obama takes to a Broadway stage to trash GOP presidential candidates. Daily Mail ‘If you can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators, I don’t think the Russians are going to [Read More]
Trump can negotiate it.
OH NOOOOO!!!!! Where in the world will the restaurant industry get people to fill jobs?? How about the people who collect welfare? You think they’ll go to work if Trump sees [Read More]
Rachel Dolezal Admits She’s White Now we have to get trannies to come clea… errr… admit they aren’t a new sex.
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