BFH – Page 2068 – IOTW Report

Take your guesses

Saturday, 24 October 2015, 13:27 BFH 21

What did this 765 square foot “house” go for in San Fran Crisco? Person with the closest guess wins the chance to never have to set foot into this piece [Read More]

Beaver Galore

Saturday, 24 October 2015, 1:39 BFH 21

There was a time when the government made sure that there was enough beaver to go around. They even parachuted beaver into areas that were beaver deserts. Of all the [Read More]

Playing It Cool

Saturday, 24 October 2015, 1:08 BFH 16

Bob Wood (I never heard of him) walks into a guitar shop at 80 years of age and plays Besame Mucho. The store manager records it. It goes viral.

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