BFH – Page 2160 – IOTW Report

Gun Free Zone Today in Chattanooga

Thursday, 16 July 2015, 22:14 BFH 26

Chattanooga shooting site was #GunfreeZone.#NRA #2A #MolonLabe #RKBA #GunRights #CCW #ShootingForum #2ADefenders — LiberT Justice 4 All (@LiberT_Justice) July 16, 2015

MMmmm Chocolate

Thursday, 16 July 2015, 21:00 BFH 16

People on the street choose a Hershey bar over a silver bar. This can’t be real. ht/ pinko  

Dildo Batteries

Thursday, 16 July 2015, 10:36 BFH 23

Why do lesbians have dildos? They aren’t turned on by men but want women to shove penis replicants into them. That’s like gay men fooling around with artificial vaginas. Oh, [Read More]

What’d He Do?

Thursday, 16 July 2015, 0:43 BFH 8

1. Stole Gravestones To Use as Flooring 2. Fixed Bingo game so his boyfriend could win mega jackpot 3. Talked drunk friend into sitting on pack of firecrackers, and He [Read More]

He Did This

Thursday, 16 July 2015, 0:42 BFH 17

Guy Stole Grave Stones To Use as Pavers At His House

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