Andrew Young, Mayor/Congressman/Ambassador Weighs in on the Confederate Flag
It’s a pretty startling position, one that you wouldn’t feel a perennial black activist would take. More ht/ JC Lady
It’s a pretty startling position, one that you wouldn’t feel a perennial black activist would take. More ht/ JC Lady
Not sure he’s going to win, but it’s a good try. Is he making the case that if he says the word “fag” around a gay person, a protected word under [Read More]
An anti-confederate flag group stole a flag of a pro-confederate flag group and when a kid got out to retrieve the stolen flag he was punched. Guess who the cops [Read More]
Leftists are not good at math. What they’re good at is seizing upon a “thing,” like crowdfunding, and believing with all their heart that it’s an elixir because it’s largely [Read More]
Huff Poop- – I love children, which is exactly why I don’t believe it is unfair to bring more into this world, especially here in the overconsumptive U.S. of A. [Read More]
Click for video From The Clarion Project – Thank you for posting our Iran film. Here is our latest film and a link to all our Iran short films !snip! Please [Read More]
Glob- I just received the bad news that I’ve been laid off from my day job. The bad part is that I liked my job and the people I worked [Read More]
Some homosexual had “die fag” carved into his arm after a group of “homophobes” attacked him, leaving him with head and facial bruising, as well. Then a few days later his [Read More]
DailySurge– New York City Muslim cabbies were outraged after being slapped with hefty fines for tying up traffic and double-parking outside a Manhattan mosque while they were inside saying Friday prayers for [Read More]
Senator and 2016 GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz does his best impressions of characters from “The Simpsons.” h/t LibertyNews
Cruz praised Trump for spotlighting a problem, a problem which the PC crowd wants to overlook – that there are illegals flooding through our borders who or not good people. [Read More]
One of the rare Paul Harvey stories with an unhappy ending.
Click his disgusted face for video ht/ appropriately enough, SICKTOY ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.