BFH – Page 2216 – IOTW Report

Keep It Up, Dirtbags

Friday, 5 December 2014, 9:52 BFH 37

I’ve told this story many times. I went to college in NYC and I was probably a little left of center, if political at all. (I remember being against Bernie [Read More]

Cop Shoots Engine

Thursday, 4 December 2014, 21:30 BFH 0

I was looking at some police shooting videos, you know, to see if any of them would get my “white blood” up and turn me out onto the streets with [Read More]


Thursday, 4 December 2014, 15:16 BFH 67

Okay, this is our very first cage match!! It’s a DUMB OFF. Who wins in your opinion? Vote for A : Gone To Soon or B: I Can’t Breath   [Read More]

Waiting For Backup

Thursday, 4 December 2014, 11:21 BFH 0

The left wants everyone to “wait in the car.” They said Zimmerman, although not a cop, should have waited in the the car until police arrived. Officer Wilson, too, should have [Read More]

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