Articles by BFH
Snoping Snopes
by Ensign Pulver I’d always suspected that Snopes was Leftist but I confirmed it for myself in person. Remember when Prez Ebola stole the first election in 2008? There was [Read More]
Live Earth Concert For Global Warming Participant Shows Off His Custom Built Carbon Monster
John Mayer, who has been involved with various projects that have “raised the awareness of the crisis of Global Warming,” obviously is a fullofsh!tnik. Look at his custom RV – Underneath is [Read More]
Mario Cuomo Dead
That’s all I’m going to say. I lived in NY under this loon’s reign. HT/ JC Lady
I Have a Request
Can we please take the gloves off? And by we, I mean right-wing online media. Nothing pains me more than to see a site like Powerlineblog, which I think is wonderful, do [Read More]
Reader Rant – What have we wrought? – by stsgmsfdr
I have read numerous comments online and in the press about how Obama, DeBlasio, and race baiter Al Sharpton are to blame for the protests and the shooting of two [Read More]
Snopes Debunks Article On Illegal Aliens – Sorta
This list of stats about California’s illegal alien problem has been going around for awhile. I wanted to see what Snopes thought of it. Their tone was condescending and dismissive [Read More]
The real reason progressives don't like gasoline
Via Common Cents This has to be seen to be believed –
Krugman Kicks Off 2015 With a Doozy
It’s going to be another hilarious year in the world of progtardism. In an interview with perennial dipwad, Ezra Klein, Krugman said the following: …as a Times columnist, I can’t [Read More]
This is the kind of stuff tax payers pay for
University Scientific Study – Do Birds Slur Their Singing When They Get Drunk? Newser- Not many people count getting zebra finches drunk as their job. But researchers at the Oregon [Read More]
Kim Jong Un Spox – “Calling Obama a monkey? It is absolutely not a racist comment. Not every monkey is black.”
BUT, is every black a monkey? That’s the key follow-up question.
Zulu Shocka!
MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ TO BLACK PANTHERS: 2015 TIME TO BUILD ARMY, GO TO GUN RANGE Breitbart- “…our leader and our teacher the honorable Khalid Abdul Muhammad teaches us self defense. What [Read More]
Where are the massive apologies for Steve Scalise now that the left’s zealousness was false?
Scalise offered this when told he spoke to a group of white supremacists – “Twelve years ago, I spoke to many different Louisiana groups as a state representative, trying to [Read More]