Very Important Bracelet For People Getting On In Years
This medic alert bracelet won’t save your life, but it’ll save your face. ht/ finai
This medic alert bracelet won’t save your life, but it’ll save your face. ht/ finai
Big Journalism CNN MEDIA REPORTER SHAMES COLLEAGUES FOR NOT GIVING SARAH PALIN BENEFIT OF DOUBT CNN’s media reporter shamed his colleagues this week for rushing to judgment before all of [Read More]
pbs newshour With the arrival of approximately two million people from around the world in Saudi Arabia for the annual hajj pilgrimage, there are a group of pilgrims who were [Read More]
Big Government The government accountability group Judicial Watch announced Thursday that it has sued the Department of Homeland Security for records dealing with the more than 36,000 convicted criminal aliens [Read More]
VIA TWITCHY – [Read More]
Big Government On Thursday evening, President Barack Obama promised Hispanic leaders executive amnesty and vowed that he will not give up his fight for permanent amnesty for illegal immigrants. However, [Read More]
Moronic Ebola Infected Family Refuses To Stay Quarantined FAMILY OF DALLAS EBOLA patient is legally quarantined after not complying with requests to stay indoors, as new details emerge of early confusion [Read More]
Bloomberg JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), the biggest U.S. bank, said a previously disclosed data breach affected 76 million households and 7 million small businesses. Customer names, addresses, phone numbers and [Read More]
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The 33-year-old cameraman started showing symptoms of the virus on Wednesday — one day after hired as a second cameraman for NBC News Chief Medical Editor and Correspondent Dr. Nancy [Read More]
See what I’m talking about, HERE –
YAHOO HEADLINE: The ‘Opt Out’ nation: Why uninsured Americans decided to pass on Obamacare Part of a special series on Obamacare and the changing health care landscape By Mandi Woodruff [Read More]
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