Exercise in Futility
A study of the academic publication process concludes that about 50% of papers generated by professors are not read by anyone beyond the academic journal that publish the work in the first place. [Read More]
A study of the academic publication process concludes that about 50% of papers generated by professors are not read by anyone beyond the academic journal that publish the work in the first place. [Read More]
ATRS “We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do well while a growing number of Americans barely get by—or we can restore an economy [Read More]
billdancefishing .
Reports began swirling last night that the U.S. is trying to broker a three-way deal with Israelis and the Palestinians. We would release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and Israel would [Read More]
Jeremiah Sampson’s son was put up for adoption before he had a chance to claim paternity. Read the rest of the story here Tulsaworld.com
A woman does her best to not let a guy use the passing lane. When he finally gets around her there’s a slight mishap. What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcfDkLRViFI ht/ [Read More]
Ex- Jeopardy Champ Ken Jennings had this to say on Twitter. Via Twitchy – Ken Jennings ‘quotes’ Andrew Breitbart’s ghost in Obamacare tweet Ken Jennings ✔ @KenJennings “Make sure you sign [Read More]
AmmoLand Buckeye, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- Another professional athlete is in hot water over a gun. New York Knicks starting Point Guard, Raymond Felton Was arrested on February 25 2014 on two [Read More]
Automotive News Tesla, Alliance seek U.S. regulators’ OK to ditch side mirrors The original concept version of the Tesla Model X crossover, shown in 2012, used cameras instead of side [Read More]
Fur, There’s this old timer in town whose wife passed away last week. I only met her once or twice when she came with him to a Christmas dinner or [Read More]
Washington Times Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that [Read More]
Clash Daily PERSONAL SECURITY: Fool Me Once, Shame On Me May there be no surprise… about your security. Surprise is a killer. Alfred de Vigny’s famous poem “The Wolf’s Death” [Read More]
It doesn’t get any better, more professional, clever and fun than TPC. The People’s Cube is Nine Years Old!
HT/ FDR in Hell
billdancefishing .
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