Tense March 9th Election Day For Kim Jon-Un
Telegraph- At the end of this week, Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s young leader, is standing for election. ndeed, across North Korea, all voting slips will carry a single name: the [Read More]
Telegraph- At the end of this week, Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s young leader, is standing for election. ndeed, across North Korea, all voting slips will carry a single name: the [Read More]
The past week’s pics all linked in one spot. .
Rep. Alan Grayson’s Wife Files for Protection After Alleged Domestic Dispute ht/ just the tip hq
A couple were walking their dog and saw a rusty can embedded in the ground, exposed from erosion. They could see a glint of gold inside the busted can. They [Read More]
Everyone sort of went along with not outing her name until she outed herself. But the porn sites have been calling her the Duke Porn star in the comment section [Read More]
They are shuttering 1100 stores. That’s a lot of Shacks. .
Boston.com The USS Somerset is named for the southwestern Pennsylvania county where Flight 93 crashed. With its 684-foot starboard side serving as the backdrop, the amphibious transport dock warship was [Read More]
Pic Via TWITCHY Starting from the L and working around – L is for LIAR M is for ….
Breitbart Texas House Rules Committee chairman Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) lost a key endorsement from a key anti-amnesty group to his primary challenger Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson on Monday. [Read More]
Noted Islamic radical living on the dole in the UK offers up a handy list comparing Western Civilization to Islamofascism . thegatewaypundit.com
Alternate LSM headline: Christian insults Muslim, loses head in argument. Walid Shoebat A Christian man was captured by Muslims in Syria, and forced him to declare the Shahadatan (“There is [Read More]
By Chip Murray The CPAC “Conservatives” will gather in Washington this week. The official schedule of events opens with Ted Cruz on Thursday and closes with Sarah Palin on Saturday. [Read More]
Edwin Lyngar wrote a ridiculously partisan article for Salon masquerading as insight. The poor hunchback can’t see his own hunch. Here’s my fix. The link goes to the original. Salon [Read More]
Big Government Jeb Bush Mulling Presidential Run as Eager Establishment Awaits Derp!
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