Cardigan – Page 30 – IOTW Report

The Charisma Deficit

Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 13:15 Cardigan 15

Polizette– Charisma is a surprisingly rare yet potent political force. And much of the 2016 presidential field has a problem: They don’t seem to have a whole lot of it. Such highly [Read More]

Diall 911 for Bias Incidents

Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 11:45 Cardigan 14

CampusReform– Students at Santa Clara University are supposed call to report any and all “bias incidents” to 911. “If the bias incident is in progress or just occurred: ALWAYS CALL [Read More]

Collapse of Racial Relations

Tuesday, 18 August 2015, 22:30 Cardigan 10

TheTunnelWall- Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened? Victor Davis Hanson   “Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much [Read More]

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