‘Sunburn Art’
OddityCentral- Stupid ‘Sunburn Art’ Trend Puts People at Risk of Skin Cancer. Thousands of Instagrammers around the world are risking skin cancer in a bid to follow the latest online craze [Read More]
OddityCentral- Stupid ‘Sunburn Art’ Trend Puts People at Risk of Skin Cancer. Thousands of Instagrammers around the world are risking skin cancer in a bid to follow the latest online craze [Read More]
Vdare– The overwhelming silent majority of American citizens who are immigration patriots have been wondering for years when someone would tell the truth and force the Main Stream Media to [Read More]
#BetterIdeasForISIS Learn a trade or start a franchise. It’s hard to get a good hotdog in the desert. pic.twitter.com/NkoZXaFJzY — MarketRunner (@SWGaspar) July 6, 2015 More here
Hope n Change- As if we needed another reminder that our national culture has literally gone down the crapper, it was revealed this week that first daughter Malia Obama has taken [Read More]
Drachma Drama Sondrakistan- Greece. …yeah. Here we go again… The creditors call with a dealio — they say, ‘ohHellNO,’ and dance in the streets celebrating their “independence.” Germany, acting the [Read More]
TeaParty.org- (CBS News) – A western Michigan woman heads to court Tuesday after being arrested for failing to renew her dog’s license. Becky Rehr says she drove to the Kalamazoo County [Read More]
TheLastRefuge: Black male walks up to random couple walking, takes out a shotgun and blasts the female in the back of the head. The victim has been identified as Carrie Jean Melvin, [Read More]
mediaite- Former CNN anchor Lynne Russell and former reporter Chuck de Caro came back into the news cycle on June 30, after they worked together to use a concealed firearm [Read More]
Newsweek- On Monday afternoon, President Obama spoke at the Pentagon about the Islamic State, or ISIS, a terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq. Obama stressed all elements of American power [Read More]
LibraryOfLawAndLiberty- Hayek for Everybody. Donald Boudreaux has done us the favor of writing a popularized primer on the foundational thought of the great economist, Friedrich Hayek. His timing is good. For [Read More]
HumanRightsVoices– Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on the United States to withdraw its membership from the United Nations Human Rights Commission over its vote Friday to condemn Israel for [Read More]
Sweetness&Light– Of course, as far as the AP is concerned, the real news is that Donald Trump is trying to exploit this tragedy to advance his political agenda. A Democrat [Read More]
Concealed Carrier Shoots, Captures One Of Two Thugs In Nashville Robbery. BearingArms- One of these days, as the number of concealed carriers nationwide continues to grow, criminals are going to [Read More]
Ronald Reagan. TammyBruce- Not sure whether to file under: “You can’t make this stuff up.” Or: “POTUS is more delusional than ever.”
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