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2010 Illinois State Fair Hog Calling Contest
2010 Illinois State Fair Hog Calling Contest
From Breitbart: I am very proud to be fighting for a strong and secure border. This is a very important issue, which all the other candidates would have ignored had [Read More]
NewsMachete- By now you have all heard the horrific news that a young woman in San Francisco named Kathryn Steinle was executed, seemingly at random for no reason, by an [Read More]
CanadaFreePress: Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis” and has swayed “Laudato Si” (named so after St. Francis of Assisi’s canticle), “seems to [Read More]
GatewayPundit- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced this week that city jobs and internships will now go to illegal aliens. reported:
Spectacle of Clinton as candidate – press being pulled along with a rope, Benghazi protester screams "carpetbagger" — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 4, 2015 more at The Hill
South Carolina #MillionPersonMarch a Bust.
A Maryland man is accused of using a selfie stick to spy on his female neighbor. Police say 60-year-old Donald Beard attached a camera to a pole and recorded a [Read More]
You can never be too young to start developing a love for your country. We’re celebrating the Fourth of July by highlighting some pint-sized patriots who have made headlines this [Read More]
h/t Flaming Hetero
Ann Coulter and some of her fans were victims of a verbal assault by a bunch of rude illegal immigrants — but Coulter had the last word.
NOTE: In 1770, the average per capita intake of distilled spirits (whiskey, rum, gin and brandy) was 3.4 gallons; by 1830, the per capita intake exceeded 5 gallons.
AWD- AWD has never liked or trusted preachers. Especially preachers with gazillions of dollars taken from dump old people who believe their donations are doing good when, in reality, they [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.