Articles by Claudia
Don’t Be Late for Church!
Did you remember to set your clocks ahead???
Nancy Reagan, RIP
Nancy Reagan, widow of Ronald Reagan, dead at 94 Nancy Reagan, the widow of President Ronald Reagan and passionately devoted keeper of his flame, died Sunday morning of congestive heart [Read More]
Ted Cruz Called for Border Wall in April, 2012
Soshable, Ted Cruz has been fighting for a wall on the border for several years. Here’s a couple of instance against hostile audiences when he was making the difficult pitch [Read More]
NARAL Cries Foul for Ad “Humanizing Fetuses”
Pro-Choicers’ Reaction to Doritos Super Bowl Ad Exposes the Weakness in Their Worldview National Review, A significant number of Americans profess to watch the Super Bowl “just for the commercials,” [Read More]
Phyllis Schlafly on Rubio: He Betrayed Us
New Media Patriot Radio In 2009, Marco Rubio was a plucky challenger for the open Senate seat in Florida, taking on incumbent Republican Gov. Charlie Crist. Though Rubio was trailing [Read More]
Monty Python VS P.C.
From the Bullpen by Czar of Defenestration It’s only John Cleese, but he’s got a great point or two about humor and political correctness in society.