Hunter’s In The Basement With A Silver Spoon
h/t Cow Farts
h/t Cow Farts
Images from: 1) Bodiddley (Raccoon) Rocky.2) evil bunny – Some of my TNVR’d feral colony.3) Paul (Deer) Studley.4) MJA (Sandhill Cranes) These are family of 4 Sandhill Cranes. Turns out, [Read More]
… and laughing. Excuse the language … HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support The Federalist – In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations [Read More]
Images from: 1) PHenry (Petey and Beans) love their daddy. I’m buried in there somewhere.2) Jethro (Girbil) My daughter just started vet school. Here she is studying gerbil anatomy with [Read More]
h/t Left Coast Dan Watch HERE on Twitter… Watch HERE on YouTube…
Images from: 1) Cisco Kid (Mystique)2) Agatha Kakalogical (Charley) July 4, 2012, wearing his patriotic hat. Charley was a good dog.3,4) Unsplash.com5,6) Pixabay.com7) To submit your critter pictures for [Read More]
Images from: 1) Farm wife (Kippa) Loves the water, goggles not so much!2) Farm wife (Kippa) End of day she’s tuckered out.3) Bodiddley (Fallow Deer) Nap time.4) NAAC (Logan)5,6,7) [Read More]
I agree with everything she said!
National Anthem
Happy Father’s Day to all Dads out there. You ARE appreciated! Images from: 1) Cisco Kid (Bailey the Baby Driver) Mystique’s Chauffeur.2) TennDon (Cardinal) Papa cardinal still feeding his fledglings. [Read More]
I really did. She is cute, funny and love her expressions. Watch until the end. Seriously. If you can’t see it, try HERE.
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