Claudia – Page 40 – IOTW Report

Boundary Waters Adventures, part 3

Friday, 15 July 2022, 19:15 Claudia 1

Circa 1965’ THE RANGER’S CABIN In the mid sixties things were changing everywhere, including in the boundary waters.  While there wasn’t a permit system in place; the changes were coming [Read More]

Say Cheeeeeeese!

Sunday, 10 July 2022, 8:00 Claudia 8

Images from: 1) Tim-FJB (Bart) Smiling2) Beachmom (Kitty) Flag waving with Trumpy Bear.3) Jethro (Peaches) My daughter’s first rabbit – same one as in the Santa suit and portrait. This [Read More]

Happy Independence Day

Sunday, 3 July 2022, 8:00 Claudia 8

Images from: 1) TennDon (Eagle) Ole Baldy expressing his ‘feelz’ about the current resident of Our White House. Taken at Radnor Lake State Park where he and his Mrs are [Read More]


Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 13:15 Claudia 36

From Hambone: Our beloved Maine Coon cat, Max, has lost the battle with his illness. Four different vets couldn’t diagnose exactly what it was, but it was a neurological issue. [Read More]

Random iOTWr Critters

Sunday, 26 June 2022, 8:00 Claudia 11

Images from: 1) Nashland (Whitetail deer we named Penelope) This little one was born on our front lawn in TX.2) Anymouse (Treed Coon) Soon-to-be Son-in-Law’s coon hound, named Walter, treed [Read More]

My Daddy Is the Bestest

Sunday, 19 June 2022, 8:00 Claudia 9

Images from: 1) TimBuktu (Mowie 4-20-22) Dad, I bought you this computer for Father’s Day, now show me how to code.2) Roger F. (Merlin) On his human Daddy’s lap.3) Marco [Read More]

What Kind of Look Is THAT?

Sunday, 5 June 2022, 8:00 Claudia 13

Images from: 1) Russian Bot (Apollo)2) NAAC (Kilo)3) NAAC (Logan)4) NAAC (Pheasant)5) Col. Angus (Hannah)6) Claudia (Pistol and Sammy) What? We’re just playing. To submit your critter pictures for a [Read More]

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