Claudia – Page 42 – IOTW Report

National Pet Day

Monday, 11 April 2022, 17:45 Claudia 20

Just a smattering of the last year and a half of our Critter Posts. Happy National Pet Day!!! h/t RogerF

Random iOTWr Critters

Sunday, 10 April 2022, 8:00 Claudia 13

Images from: 1) Russian Bot (Ash)2) Dadof4 (Burro) This little guy is about 3 feet tall at the back. So, would we call this guy a burrito? A little burro?3) [Read More]

Prayers Needed

Sunday, 3 April 2022, 21:30 Claudia 30

One of our long-time readers, Ann Nonymous Prime, is in the process of losing her beloved pet very soon. Could we pray for strength for her to get through it? [Read More]

You and Your Critters

Sunday, 3 April 2022, 8:20 Claudia 14

Images from: Just so you know, everyone agreed to NOT pixelate their faces, so … enjoy! 1) Bayouwulf (Penny) Penny is a squirmy little dog and picture taking with her [Read More]

How Can You Resist Me?

Sunday, 27 March 2022, 8:00 Claudia 10

Images from: 1) Steve Brown (Ruby) Ruby emerges from her burrow to wish everyone a Happy Sunday (and to yawn)!2) Eugenia – The Five Kitten Wrecking Crew another Adorable rescue [Read More]

Is Winter Over Yet?

Sunday, 20 March 2022, 8:00 Claudia 18

Images from: 1) SNS (The Flock) Down for a springtime snooze.2) AnonTrooper (Honey Boo Boo) This is old girl (13), ready for the Kentucky winter.3) Bobcat (Egret) Lizard hunter in [Read More]

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