Articles by Claudia
California Bans Travel to Anti-LGBTQ States
Fox8 – California added five more states, including Florida, to the list of places where state-funded travel is banned because of laws that discriminate against members of the LGBTQ community, [Read More]
RIP Bastet
Our cat, Bastet, lost his battle with health problems last week. He was a faithful companion to my wife when I was working nights. He was also a skilled hunter [Read More]
iOTWr Critters
Images from: 1) Anymouse (Swans) These are racist muted swans. They chased the black swan away. It’s the best I can do with my little flip phone as you can’t [Read More]
Measure twice, cut once. h/t Ann Nonymous Prime
Do You Like Ballet?
He looks like my sister’s cat, Pistol, right down to the floofy toes. We call Pistol “Star Toes”. But he’s not quite this graceful!
Teen with Down Syndrome Left Out of Cheerleading Yearbook Photo
Townhall – In what is being called a “mistake,” by the school, Morgyn Arnold, a 14-year old with Down syndrome at Shoreline Junior High School, was left out of the [Read More]
Critter Fathers – We Love You, Dad!
Images from: 1) TennDon (Cardinals) Papa Cardinal is feeding his Terrible Teen Li’l Ones at Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville, TN.2) TennDon (Great Blue Herons) Dad is home-schooling his Three [Read More]
Joe Biden Sleeps 12 Hours A Day
h/t Jason
Uranus Rotates On Its Side
h/t Ann Nonymous Prime
The Angelus
A short story by Mary M. Isaacs. “In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful, In the Lord I will rejoice, Look to God, do not be afraid. [Read More]
Leftist Media Site Deletes Triple-Abortion Story After Backlash
A progressive website focused on sharing “good news”faced backlash after posting a now-deleted story of asame-sex couple who underwent a triple-abortion. Breitbart – The women, who married in Seattle in [Read More]
Happy Birthday, Dadof4!
Did you make a wish?