Love Is Fur, Feathers and Scales
Images from: 1 & 7 Pixabay.com2 TennDon (Mr & Mrs Barred Owl) Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville, TN3 Old Guy (Violet and Verbena)4 Capt Pat (Bunnies) Who’s the Boss5, 6 [Read More]
Images from: 1 & 7 Pixabay.com2 TennDon (Mr & Mrs Barred Owl) Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville, TN3 Old Guy (Violet and Verbena)4 Capt Pat (Bunnies) Who’s the Boss5, 6 [Read More]
Las Vegas — Officers were called at 11:59 a.m. last Weds to The Range 702, at 5999 Dean Martin Drive, after an employee reported that a man had been caught [Read More]
h/t Little Sis
The phallic necktie is an outdated symbol ofwhite male rule in New Zealand’s parliament The Guardian – Last week it was reported that the Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, [Read More]
This is our recourse The Blaze – What is our recourse when our own government criminalizes our most basic rights while it allows Black Lives Matter and Antifa to rampage [Read More]
Brilliant! Don’t miss this. Please!
Images from: 1 Bobcat (Pelican) from the Hawks Cay Boat Show2 Not at all confused (Kilo and Logan)3 Frank (Grumbleguts) at his most industrious4 Tim (Coon) peering in the back [Read More]
Trump has won two-thirds of the casesthat have been adjudicated by the courts. LifeSiteNews – Of late, I’ve felt more and more like I am back in Communist China. A [Read More]
My little brother saw some tee-shirts in the lobby where he was getting his oil changed. He sent me this picture and said, “What could “FTG” possibly stand for? Let’s [Read More]
Fauci is up to it in his latest-virus-testing nether region! Steve Hilton’s Special Investigation Into the Origins Of the Coronavirus Pandemic
What is an immune system for? NSFW – Adult Language – Yeah, I know; but I had to warn you. Would hate for you to get fired…
The Plan to Make Trump and America Great Again Gateway Pundit – I am the author of the bestselling book “TRUMP RULES.” My book identifies the Top Ten Trump rules [Read More]
The New American – In this explosive interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. [Read More]
Images from: 1 – 3 Old Guy (Violet)4 Ghost (Buds) shadow profile.5 Tim Buktu (Meisa) Our Meisa Baby Girl – silky fur, silverish color with gold highlights, bushy tail, and [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.