Claudia – Page 65 – IOTW Report

Rosemary for Remembrance

Sunday, 22 November 2020, 21:10 Claudia 19

A short story by Mary M. Isaacs. She looked at her table, which she had just finished setting. The burgundy tablecloth was one of her best; there were matching burgundy [Read More]

Blessed Thanksgiving to All

Sunday, 22 November 2020, 8:00 Claudia 16

Images from: 1 TennDon (Tom Turkeys)2 TennDon (Turkey) Butterball on the hoof. Wild turkeys on trail at Radnor Lake State Park in Nashville, TN3 Mr. Pinko5 Truckbuddy (Turkey)4, 6-9 [Read More]

Killing Off the Elderly

Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 20:45 Claudia 35

Biden Coronavirus Advisor: People OlderThan 75 Should Get Vaccines Last Life News – Older Americans, the ones most vulnerable to COVID-19, should be the last in line to receive a [Read More]

iOTWr Random Critters

Sunday, 15 November 2020, 8:00 Claudia 22

Images from: 1 janitor (Lulu) Lulu (may she rest in peace) is pictured here on my son’s finger. She was the world’s cutest and smartest, and very much loved. She [Read More]


Sunday, 8 November 2020, 8:00 Claudia 10

Images from: 1 Mansfield Lovell (Auggie) Bath Time2, 3 Unsplash.com4, 6, 7, 8 Pixabay.com5, 8 To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to: [Read More]

Election Prophecy?

Friday, 6 November 2020, 16:15 Claudia 23

This is a video that my sister sent me. It’s from the INS (It’s Supernatural! Network) Network that I have never heard of before watching this, so I don’t know [Read More]

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