A Message to POTUS from Joe Dan Gorman
Intallectual Froglegs – This is not an episode of Intellectual Froglegs, mainly because with the exception of the last segment – it is not a ‘funny video.’ It is a [Read More]
Intallectual Froglegs – This is not an episode of Intellectual Froglegs, mainly because with the exception of the last segment – it is not a ‘funny video.’ It is a [Read More]
Who doesn’t love little doggies who think they are big, bad brutes?!
Ventura County, CA officials on May 4 expanded ChinaVirus testing criteria. According to this excerpt, the “Contact Investigators” will visit each house and remove you from your home if you [Read More]
Your “breath of fresh air” of the day.
au·thor·i·tar·i·an (ə-thôr′ĭ-târ′ē-ən, ə-thŏr′-, ô-) adj. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime. Tending to tell other people what to do in a [Read More]
Or is it doctored? The bus, especially. And fake dog. Even so, it’s pretty entertaining!
Gov. Witless extended our house arrest until May 15th last week. Today, she extended the shuttering of most businesses to May 28th. I signed a petition for recall a couple [Read More]
“Boing, boing, boing!”
Images from: 1 Mansfield Lovell (Augie) Countess Augustina In Her Royal Coach2 & 3 Poor Lazlo (Angus) 4 Poor Lazlo (Angus) Riding on the highway. Note the harness is hooked [Read More]
Knox County, Tenn., Bans Communion, Hymnals — and Even Bibles — at Church PJ Media – One of the things we’re beginning to see as states move toward “reopening” is [Read More]
I sprained my eye muscles from rolling them so hard.
The Babylon Bee – The nation’s men have urged their state and local governments to end their respective lockdowns before their wives start any more massive home improvement projects they’ll [Read More]
Public schools may reopen as early as July, and some businesses within weeks, according to a coronavirus reopening plan unveiled Tuesday. Patch – State officials on Tuesday unveiled a plan [Read More]
Sultan Knish – Over 7,000 of the country’s coronavirus deaths emerged out of nursing homes. Of the 4,377 coronavirus deaths in New Jersey, over 1,700 died due to infections in [Read More]
I was talking to a friend about contacting my state senator and representative about the house arrest we are under from Gov Witless (D-MI). I told her about the positive [Read More]
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