Claudia – Page 93 – IOTW Report

Cutie Patooties

Sunday, 17 February 2019, 8:00 Claudia 18

Images from: 1 Poor Lazlo (Angus) 2 Sturge 3 Truckbuddy (Stewie) 4 forcibly deranged (Bindi – I’d like that Vodka Collins shaken, not stirred) 5 Chuffed-Beyond-Words (Pepper) 6 sailcat (Yuki [Read More]


Friday, 15 February 2019, 18:30 Claudia 14

Remy posted this video (from 2017) on Twitter on Wednesday to “celebrate” the national debt reaching $22 trillion.

To My Valentine

Sunday, 10 February 2019, 8:00 Claudia 12

Images from: 2 Conservative Cowgirl (George) 3 Paul 4 Anne Marie 5 Sturge The rest of the images are courtesy of Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday [Read More]

RIP Albert Finney

Friday, 8 February 2019, 13:40 Claudia 13

Fox News – British actor Albert Finney, known for his starring roles on “Tom Jones,” “Erin Brockovich” and the James Bond thriller “Skyfall,” has died at age 82. The actor’s [Read More]

Who Is You?

Sunday, 3 February 2019, 8:00 Claudia 12

Images from: 1 Rat Fink 2 Reiuxcat 3 Mr. Pinko 4 Conservative Cowgirl 5 Stanley 6 Bobcat (Tuesday Morning on Little Torch Key) 7 Jim (Ash x2, I drew him [Read More]

Is It Lunch Yet?

Sunday, 27 January 2019, 8:00 Claudia 12

Images from: 1 Little Sis (Wiskers) 2 Doug (Homer) 3 Eugenia 4 Sturge The rest of the images are courtesy of Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday [Read More]

Oh, My!

Sunday, 13 January 2019, 8:00 Claudia 15

Images from: 1 Sturge 2 Bill (A picture I took on my front porch. The little one appears to be dragging home dinner.) 3 Bcattin 4 Tyler (Moxie) 5 Tyler [Read More]

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