I Think I’ll Sneak This in Right Here…
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Hannity – SCHUMER MELTDOWN: Chuck Schumer SLAMS Trump for Prisoner Release Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners [Read More]
Images from: 1 Eugenia 2 Plain Jane 3 Paul 4 Corky 5 Dee 6&7 Rando 8 Rose W (Emma) 9 Kurt (Loretta) 10 MaryfromMarin 11 Bayouwulf 12 Debbie (Toby) 13 [Read More]
Breitbart – President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick and Kanye West for Race Summit President Trump has reportedly agreed to invite NFL anthem-protesting quarterback Colin Kaepernick and hip-hop star Kanye West, [Read More]
Images from: 1 Billy Fuster (Bootsy & Sheeba) 2 beachmom (Kitty) 3 F4UCorsair (Mable) 4 The Rat Fink 5 Snowballs chance in Hell (Diggy) 6 JustAl 7 Truckbuddy (Stewie) 8 [Read More]
Images from: 1 Dee 2 JustAl 3 Cracker Annie Mouse 4 Marco (Jameson) 5 Stranded in Sonoma 6 Mr. Mxyzptlk (Razor) 7 & 8 Sturge 9 Ramona (Spike) 10 Troy [Read More]
Images from: 1 Jethro 2 JustAl 3 Conservative Cowgirl 4 Maudie N Mandeville (Mylo) 5 chollykanolly (Max and Little Puddy) 9 Conservative Cowgirl 11 Bayouwulf (Ernie) 12 Claudia (Ivan) The [Read More]
Images from: 1 Bayouwulf (Ernie) 5 MaryfromMarin 6 The Rat Fink 7 Agatha Kakalogical (Charley) 9 Weldor 10 Sturge 12 Jane The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com [Read More]
The question mark in the title is because I wonder if any of you heard about this. I just saw it on Twitter and wondered if it’s the real deal [Read More]
Diogenes’ Middle Finger – “The humans have a bifurcated social structure that divides them into two major groups. The first group, the majority of the population, appears to do most [Read More]
Images from: 1 & 2 Dee 4 Jack Daniels 5 Doug (Dukie and Rascal) 8 Tired Mom (Buddy) 9 Tired Mom (Oscar) The rest of the images are courtesy of [Read More]
Images from: 3 Bayouwulf (Rocket) 10 Bob The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to: [Read More]
Images from: 1 & 2 Bayouwulf (Penny) 3 LadyGun12 4 JustAl 5 & 6 Dee 7 Bob 8 Tim 9 Jane 10 RickeyG (Esther) 11 Reiuxcat 12 sTevo 13 & [Read More]
Fox News – Sens. Cruz, Lee, Reps. Meadows, Jordan: We must end the ObamaCare bailout now Today we are closer than ever to sending ObamaCare to the ash heap of [Read More]
Images from: 1 Rando (HouseCat #3 and ‘friends’) 2 Dee 3 ABQ 4 Corona (Angel) 5 Eugenia 6 Sturge 7 Jack Daniels 8 Peter 9 RWF (Jack) 10 The Doktor [Read More]
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