Dr. Tar – Page 180 – IOTW Report

He/Him Has Nuts, She/Hers Don’t

Saturday, 4 March 2023, 19:00 Dr. Tar 6

post milliennial In response to Hershey Canada’s International Women’s Day campaign featuring a trans-identified biological male, Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing announced an anti-woke competing chocolate brand with two varieties: Jeremy’s Chocolate. The [Read More]

Walmart Abandoning Portland

Saturday, 4 March 2023, 17:00 Dr. Tar 16

gateway pundit In late March, Walmart is closing the last two locations it has in Portland, Oregon. The company’s official line about the closings is that it has to do [Read More]

Biden Laughs Off Fentanyl Death

Thursday, 2 March 2023, 13:15 Dr. Tar 22

Red State Joe Biden appeared in Maryland on Wednesday evening to speak to the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference (whatever that is). And while the typical political bluster about “assault [Read More]

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