Can We Clone This Guy?
Newsweek Former wrestling star Dan Rodimer has issued a statement of intent in his campaign to replace the late Republican congressman Ron Wright, releasing a video with colorful language in [Read More]
Newsweek Former wrestling star Dan Rodimer has issued a statement of intent in his campaign to replace the late Republican congressman Ron Wright, releasing a video with colorful language in [Read More]
Red State At this point, we’ve seen a lot of strange things from politicians. Not too many things shock us anymore given the history of weird, ugly, evil and just [Read More]
Fox News There’s nothing like lighting a candle to relax at the end of a long day, and Miller Lite is waxing nostalgic for a simpler, pre-pandemic era, when bar hopping was [Read More]
Gateway Pundit Two women were arrested and charged for violently attacking a Korean beauty store owner in north Harris County. Daquiesha Williams and Keaundra Young punched business owner Jung Kim [Read More]
Breitbart “No one knows” if a deradicalisation programme for Islamist inmates and convicted terrorists works, admitted the government’s watchdog for terror laws. The findings come in a report published on Tuesday by [Read More]
Western Journal After an hour of unexpected debate at last week’s Sino-American geopolitical summit, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan assured the Chinese delegation that the strength and confidence of America’s [Read More]
Associated Press A skyscraper-sized container ship has become wedged across Egypt’s Suez Canal and blocked all traffic in the vital waterway, officials said Wednesday, threatening to disrupt a global shipping [Read More]
ABC News According to ABC News’ analysis of the most recent disclosure reports, many of Biden’s top White House officials, including Chief of Staff Ron Klain, Domestic Policy Council Director [Read More]
China Unscripted conveyed the tragic life of corrupt Chinese bank official Wang Li, who had to purchase a secret luxury apartment just to stash all the ill gotten gains she [Read More]
Breitbart The liberal Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois, officially approved the first spending for “reparations” for black residents on Monday evening. It is the nation’s first reparations program, following an [Read More]
Red State Dude, ‘cmon. #ProTip? Yeah, so when you’re a political dead man walking and the last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself — that way? In the [Read More]
American Thinker As Joe Biden falls 3 times in a light breeze boarding Air Force One, the latest sign of dementia he presents, and as his first-ever press conference looms [Read More]
Federalist Would you pay $6.6 million to buy a 10-second animated video showing people walking past a giant, naked image of Donald Trump collapsed on the ground, and covered in [Read More]
National Pulse Under federal law, border patrol can detain children for a maximum of 72 hours, but as of March 20th, “3,314 unaccompanied children had been in custody longer, with [Read More]
Gateway Pundit Earlier today photos were leaked to Axios of children stuffed into crowded cages in squalid conditions at a US Customs and Border Protection overflow facility. The photos show hundreds of [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.