Russia’s $10 Billion Cyber Attack
It was called NotPetya and it was unleashed on Ukraine in 2017. A variant on an earlier piece of cyber sabotage, Petya (named after a killer Russian satellite from “Golden [Read More]
It was called NotPetya and it was unleashed on Ukraine in 2017. A variant on an earlier piece of cyber sabotage, Petya (named after a killer Russian satellite from “Golden [Read More]
Independent Doctors have warned vegans to take the danger of vitamin B12 deficiency seriously – or potentially risk nerve damage, irreversible numbness and degeneration of the spinal cord. The warning [Read More]
StarTribune It played out just like the classic scene from the movie “A Christmas Story” — minus the triple-dog dare. But it didn’t happen just once. In the past two [Read More]
Disrn Vegan Florida parents Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, have been charged with first-degree murder for starving their 18-month-old son to death by refusing to feed him [Read More]
An economist back in 1992, Joel Waldfogle, calculated the gap between what was spent on Christmas presents and the utility the gift brought to the recipient. The difference between buying and [Read More]
I had some difficulty deciding what has Bill Whittle more angered about the latest attempt to resuscitate the Star Wars franchise; the bad writing, the abuse of canon, the progressive [Read More]
FreedomToons does a nice job summing up the Democrat follies of the past year. Watch and enjoy. Here
Town Hall Here’s the bottom line. Donald Trump’s instincts were right when he looked at this Seventh Century wasteland and asked (I’m paraphrasing), “What the hell are we doing still [Read More]
BBC The US Department of Agriculture listed Wakanda as a free-trade partner – despite it being a fictional country. A USDA spokesperson said the Kingdom of Wakanda was added to [Read More]
Summit News A start-up company has invented a toilet that tilts downward, making it uncomfortable to sit on for more than a few minutes, in order to increase “employee productivity.” [Read More]
General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, was interviewed by Eric Metaxas earlier this week. Much of the conversation centered around Powells 2014 book, “License to Lie” on the systemic abuse [Read More]
Fox News Several Washington Post reporters were under fire late Wednesday night for celebrating “Impeachmas” following the impeachment of President Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., continued to insist that [Read More]
Austin Statesman U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, turned up the volume in his 2-minute remarks on impeachment Wednesday, saying that Democrats were seeking to shut down an investigation by the [Read More]
Gateway Pundit Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke with the BBC this week about the upcoming impeachment trial in the US Senate. During her questioning Justice Ginsburg suggested that US Senators could [Read More]
Breitbart Hollywood elites are celebrating a new screenplay that portrays 13-year-old Barron Trump as a rogue force trying to sabotage his father’s 2016 bid for the presidency. Barron: A Tale [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.