Dr. Tar – Page 705 – IOTW Report

Keep Pounding Them

Monday, 26 December 2016, 17:15 Dr. Tar 17

Here’s a nice piece on how to behave towards liberals in the new year. It’s natural to want to let up once all the politicians we supported are sworn in. [Read More]

The Founder

Monday, 26 December 2016, 16:30 Dr. Tar 11

There are some interesting movies due for release soon, but this one really sparked my interest. Variety Review Here History vs. Hollywood Here     Another interesting movie is DUNKIRK. Allied soldiers [Read More]

Personality Test

Sunday, 25 December 2016, 19:00 Dr. Tar 17

  Here are a set of mental visualization exercises that are suppose to provide you insight on yourself.  I found some things to be specifically accurate, and a lot of horoscope [Read More]

Throw It Back

Sunday, 25 December 2016, 17:00 Dr. Tar 39

  Wishing those who follow her on Twitter a “Mermaid Christmas” Lena Dunham sent this “family photo” out yesterday. No more Lena Dunham in 2017. These people lost. Let’s throw [Read More]

John Kerry’s Happy Hanukkah Message

Sunday, 25 December 2016, 14:03 Dr. Tar 15

After the Obama Administration abstained, rather than veto, a resolution before the UN Security Council condemning Israel and stating how Israel’s settlement policy leads to terrorism, Secretary of State John [Read More]

Simon’s Cats Christmas Check List

Friday, 23 December 2016, 22:30 Dr. Tar 4

  This artist’s animation keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions and I keep watching and chuckling at them, even though I’m not a cat person. Watch  

Purple Haze

Friday, 23 December 2016, 17:30 Dr. Tar 4

An arctic blast from the North caused steam to rise from Lake Superior on Sunday providing the citizens of Duluth, Minnesota this incredible view of a giant fog bank roll over [Read More]

Epistocracy or Rule of the Wise

Friday, 23 December 2016, 11:00 Dr. Tar 23

George Mason Assistant Professor Jason Brennan put a book out before the election titled “Against Democracy,” where he argues that letting everyone vote is a bad idea that leads to suboptimal [Read More]

Eggnog Shortage This Year

Thursday, 22 December 2016, 21:30 Dr. Tar 12

If you haven’t picked up your eggnog yet from the stores, you may be too late.  Producers underestimated demand and now experts are predicting that there won’t be enough of [Read More]

The Dandy Lion of Elgin

Thursday, 22 December 2016, 14:15 Dr. Tar 12

  The artist, Vic Quickly, was inspired by the Scottish city of Elgin’s history when she crafted her design for improving the town’s square.  One council member called it “cultural [Read More]

Bond Fire of the Ninnies

Thursday, 22 December 2016, 2:00 Dr. Tar 4

Richard Jones is the Sheriff of Butler County, OH and was an elector this year targeted by desperate leftist trying to intimidate him into changing his vote.  In an act [Read More]

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