Keep Pounding Them
Here’s a nice piece on how to behave towards liberals in the new year. It’s natural to want to let up once all the politicians we supported are sworn in. [Read More]
Here’s a nice piece on how to behave towards liberals in the new year. It’s natural to want to let up once all the politicians we supported are sworn in. [Read More]
There are some interesting movies due for release soon, but this one really sparked my interest. Variety Review Here History vs. Hollywood Here Another interesting movie is DUNKIRK. Allied soldiers [Read More]
Here are a set of mental visualization exercises that are suppose to provide you insight on yourself. I found some things to be specifically accurate, and a lot of horoscope [Read More]
Wishing those who follow her on Twitter a “Mermaid Christmas” Lena Dunham sent this “family photo” out yesterday. No more Lena Dunham in 2017. These people lost. Let’s throw [Read More]
After the Obama Administration abstained, rather than veto, a resolution before the UN Security Council condemning Israel and stating how Israel’s settlement policy leads to terrorism, Secretary of State John [Read More]
Boy if there’s one thing that will over ride context every time, it’s a white person darkening their skin for any purpose, i.e. “black face.” This was proven [Read More]
He has to survive re-election first, but some New York Democrats are excited at de Blasio’s unapologetic brand of progressive politics. More People on Twitter were very encouraging Here [Read More]
This artist’s animation keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions and I keep watching and chuckling at them, even though I’m not a cat person. Watch
An arctic blast from the North caused steam to rise from Lake Superior on Sunday providing the citizens of Duluth, Minnesota this incredible view of a giant fog bank roll over [Read More]
George Mason Assistant Professor Jason Brennan put a book out before the election titled “Against Democracy,” where he argues that letting everyone vote is a bad idea that leads to suboptimal [Read More]
If you haven’t picked up your eggnog yet from the stores, you may be too late. Producers underestimated demand and now experts are predicting that there won’t be enough of [Read More]
The artist, Vic Quickly, was inspired by the Scottish city of Elgin’s history when she crafted her design for improving the town’s square. One council member called it “cultural [Read More]
Given University of Minnesota’s Women’s Hockey record of dominance, this overtime win by Boston University last week was a big f”n deal. The announcer, Max Wolpoff’s call makes it one [Read More]
Richard Jones is the Sheriff of Butler County, OH and was an elector this year targeted by desperate leftist trying to intimidate him into changing his vote. In an act [Read More]
The Texas abortion burial measure requires that the babies put to death by abortionist and miscarriages must be cremated or properly buried. The Center for Reproductive Rights has filed a [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.