Dr. Tar – Page 95 – IOTW Report

Watch the Skies

Monday, 25 March 2024, 12:00 Dr. Tar 9

Newsweek The night sky might be about to gain a brand-new star thanks to a distant sun exploding violently. This far-distant stellar system is situated around 3,000 light years away [Read More]

The Diarrhea Defense

Sunday, 24 March 2024, 15:00 Dr. Tar 20

Live Science Sperm whales blasted a “big dark bubble” of poop to prevent an impending orca attack off the southern coast of Western Australia. Scientists witnessed the clever defense strategy [Read More]

Friends in High Places

Sunday, 24 March 2024, 11:00 Dr. Tar 12

Zero Hedge Nancy Pelosi’s son has dodged the hammer of justice for a seventh time, after being excluded from a case in which two fraudsters linked to Paul Jr. are set to [Read More]

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