Articles by MJA
Soros group is accused of violating Arizona election law
PHOENIX (AP) – A campaign finance violation complaint has been filed with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office against a newly formed independent political committee linked to hedge fund tycoon George [Read More]
Risk of ‘Mass Exodus’ of Doctors from Medicare
New law’s success or failure will ‘profoundly influence the future of the U.S. health care system’. LifeZette: In what may be the most significant modification to Medicare since the program [Read More]
Billboard In Texas Encouraging Illegals To ‘Get A Sugar Daddy’ Backfires
DailyCaller: A billboard posted off a major interstate in Austin, Texas, is encouraging illegal immigrants to get a “sugar daddy” before they are deported. “Undocumented Immigrant? Before You Get Deported Get [Read More]
Lie-awatha Tweets
Click to see—- Via Conservative Punk h/t Dave.
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton’s eye problems return at Cleveland rally
“If, as is statistically likely, Clinton’s transverse sinus is still blocked,” Coppedge writes, “she would still have increased pressure and swelling and decreased blood flow to her brain. That swelling [Read More]
Top 10 Dirtiest Players in NFL History
Breitbart: Thursday, the Chicago Bears square off with the Green Bay Packers. The two storied NFL franchises have hated each other for a long time. One of the reasons for [Read More]
Ingham County, Michigan: One Refugee Diagnosed With Multi-Drug Resistant TB; 22 Percent Have Latent TB
Breitbart– One of the 3,554 refugees resettled in Ingham County, Michigan (Lansing) during the six years beginning October 1, 2010 and ending on September 30, 2016 (FY 2011 to FY 2016) [Read More]
Bill Clinton Struggles as Hillary’s Surrogate
Click for video!
Hillary Won’t Fly Coach
Recovered emails deleted by Clinton show the former secretary of state insisted on flying first class. PoliZette: Hillary Clinton didn’t like the idea of flying coach in 2010, according to emails [Read More]
Obama nixes twerking at final White House musical event
Breitbart- WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said he’s sad that one of his and the first lady’s favorite traditions, musical night at the White House, ended Friday. Obama and [Read More]
NY: Buffalo teachers get 14% pay hike, despite 61% graduation rate
EAG: BUFFALO, N.Y. – A new three-year contract between the Buffalo Teachers Federation and Buffalo Public Schools eliminates a controversial provision for taxpayer funded plastic surgery for union members while [Read More]
He’s With Her: Inside Paul Ryan’s Months-Long Effort to Undermine Donald Trump for Hillary Clinton’s Open Borders ‘Dream’
Breitbart: Donald Trump made headlines this week when he questioned whether Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan wanted him to prevail over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “Maybe not,” Trump told Good [Read More]
WikiLeaks: Top Dems Plotted Dirty Tricks at 2008 GOP Rallies
Agitation tactics pre-date Trump, Podesta planned to taunt McCain with Bush impersonators. LifeZette: Just in case you thought dirty tricks at Donald Trump’s rallies were a new tactic, emails from [Read More]
Hillary’s Health Care Short List. LifeZette: Sneak preview of those who just might have something to do with your medical care next year. With the election just weeks away, Hillary [Read More]