MJA – Page 3645 – IOTW Report

if, if, if, if, if, if

Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 23:18 MJA 18

Obama Tries To Malign Trump On Voter Fraud, TURNS INTO STUTTERING MESS (VIDEO)   AmericanLookout: Wow! Without a teleprompter, Obama turns into a stuttering mess.  Today Obama tried to deflect [Read More]

Clinton Campaign is full of human waste

Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 19:13 MJA 34

Hillary Clinton campaign bus investigated for allegedly dumping human waste in Gwinnett Co LIVE AT 4PM: @HillaryClinton campaign bus investigated for allegedly dumping human waste in Gwinnett Co. @cbs46 pic.twitter.com/0LAxSeaYMP [Read More]

Weiner probe coming up

Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 18:45 MJA 22

DMUK: EXCLUSIVE: Federal GRAND JURY is about to convene to investigate criminal conduct by Anthony Weiner for carrying on a months-long online sexual relationship with a troubled 15-year-old girl . [Read More]

Bernie’s “Shame”

Tuesday, 18 October 2016, 13:15 MJA 9

Rallies for Clinton Amid Humiliating Leaks. Lifezette: Sanders continues to work for the campaign that conspired to destroy his movement. Like a once-victorious barbarian general captured by Roman legionaries and [Read More]

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