Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change
Says Trump ‘totally unfit’ to protect USA from ‘the threat of climate change’ Climate Depot: TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc [Read More]
Says Trump ‘totally unfit’ to protect USA from ‘the threat of climate change’ Climate Depot: TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc [Read More]
Joe is always a good helper Friday in Bristol, PA, while campaigning for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged the lack of enthusiasm for his party’s [Read More]
Breitbart: A vocal protester caused a major scene at a Tim Kaine rally, yelling out that Bill Clinton was a rapist. “Bill Clinton is a rapist!” he shouted about a [Read More]
NBC Minnesota education officials have launched a review of online PhD programs at a for-profit college with ties to former President Bill Clinton. “We have seen an increased number of [Read More]
MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military is considering the possibility of regaining its Soviet-era bases on Cuba and in Vietnam, the Defense Ministry said Friday, a statement that comes amid [Read More]
PatriotRetort: You know the thing that really frosts me about the Clintons? They’re shameless. We all know how the Clinton Foundation looted Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. They took in [Read More]
WND: Because of his stellar debate performance, some think Mike Pence was positioning himself for a presidential run in 2020. But if likability still matters, it’s likelier that Tim Kaine [Read More]
LawNewz: The Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Thursday that accuses the Clinton Campaign of illegally coordinating with David Brock’s Super PAC Correct the Record. [Read More]
‘We will not be discussing the Trump subject any further’ DMUK: A former Miss Universe who says Donald Trump ‘fat-shamed’ her and called her ‘Miss Piggy’ says she’s done battling the [Read More]
Breitbart – Pro-Trump Republicans knocked on two million doors in the last week and a half and are putting up massive new voter registration numbers. The hurricane in Florida slowed door knocking [Read More]
Breitbart: Donald Trump admitted to holding back on attacking Hillary Clinton during the first presidential debate while speaking to voters at a campaign event in New Hampshire Thursday night. “I did [Read More]
Breitbart: Early in the day of October 6, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was preparing to buy a large block of ad time on the Weather Channel during its coverage of Hurricane Matthew. [Read More]
bb4sp: Why are they holding the chess world championships in Iran to begin with anyways? Good for her for standing up for what she believes is right. As one of [Read More]
MSNBC’s post VP Debate panel got trolled by a guy with a Hillary for Prison sign, and other anti-Hillary messages, including “Blacks for Trump” while they were discussing the Mike [Read More]
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