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Glazed Expressions h/t Rob.
Glazed Expressions h/t Rob.
WFP: I can’t stand identity politics. I think it’s disingenuous at best and insulting to an average intelligence, and devious at its worst, underhanded and generally just slimy politics. When [Read More]
Western Free Press […] Thankfully, the oft-discussed Youth Vote is notoriously difficult to mobilize (see “abusing drugs and alcohol” above) but it’s clear that we’ll need to do something with [Read More]
A1F:After more than two hours of pre-interviews with Kristin Lazure, a producer at Atlas Films, John Lott was asked to travel to New York City to do an interview with Katie Couric for her [Read More]
NRD: The Zika virus is not a foreign problem anymore. U.S. territories are being exposed, U.S. citizens are being exposed and people around the world are traveling with the disease. Currently, [Read More]
FOX Business: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, on Tuesday introduced a new bill in the House to completely overhaul how the nation’s soldiers [Read More]
I’ve been reading about ISIS threatening to blow up the pyramids since forever. Are they having trouble locating them? You can even see them from space, ya know. What’s the delay? TH: On [Read More]
OC: Some people would try anything in their desperate attempt to combat the natural effects of aging. One trend that’s been blowing up (pun intended) in recent years is Carboxy [Read More]
Michael Ramirez TheHill: The Phoenix Veterans’ Affairs Health Care System has fired three senior officials after national outrage over veterans’ wait times there, according to a new report. Associate Director [Read More]
NBC: A Virginia man who says he joined and then defected from ISIS told U.S. investigators that he “gave himself” to the terrorist group and knew its goal is to [Read More]
DS: San Diego residents on Tuesday voted to raise the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 an hour beginning Jan. 1, producing an outcome that left few surprised but small business [Read More]
Clinton world summit and live auction.
Minding The Campus: Not long ago, I wrote a piece for City Journal about my alma mater entitled, unsubtly: How My Friends and I Wrecked Pomona College. I saw it [Read More]
DS: Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., outlined the federal government’s decision to fund a multimillion-dollar Philippines disaster preparation project in a new edition of The Waste Report. According to the report [Read More]
DMF: The Huffington Post today published an Op-Ed by a leftist calling for and justifying violence against Trump supporters. One reason? Trump and what he stands for must be stopped [Read More]
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