Hillary boo’ed off stage in LA
VIDEO at PowderedWigSociety.
VIDEO at PowderedWigSociety.
Powerline: I never watched the Canadian comedy show “Kids in the Hall” when it was on, but always heard it had some good moments. And this sketch from over 20 [Read More]
WUWT: Willie Soon, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist in the Solar, Stellar and Planetary Sciences Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Soon’s career has proven to be [Read More]
RWN: There’s nothing more amusing than seeing the Obama Media Lapdogs spin things to protect Dear Leader. Obama will be the first president to never see a year of 3% [Read More]
Via Moonbattery
It’s gettin’ hot in herre
WashingtonTimes: Insurers are preparing for Obamacare customers double-digit rate increases to be announced in coming months, handing Republicans a key talking point as they try to persuade voters to accept [Read More]
DC: The average immigrant household draws more than $6,000 from the welfare system in a year, costing U.S. taxpayers 41 percent more than people born in the country, a new study finds.
(CNSNews.com) – Reiterating his argument that a lack of jobs, more than religious ideology, lies behind the “scourge” of terrorism, Secretary of State John Kerry in a commencement speech Friday [Read More]
MRCTV: President Obama is at it again! The man just loves releasing people from prisons, whether it be Guantanamo or your local penitentiary. Obama commuted the sentence of 58 more inmates [Read More]
Reuters: Alabama’s Supreme Court Chief Justice was suspended on Friday for ordering state probate judges not to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, despite contrary rulings by a federal court [Read More]
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece’s Parliament in a narrow vote has approved a bill reforming the debt-ridden country’s pension and tax systems. The bill, introduced as part of the requirements [Read More]
Yahoo: Sarah Palin says she’d be open to being Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate but doesn’t want to hurt his chances the way many believe she did for John [Read More]
Diogenes’MiddleFinger: With all our our attention focused on the Drama / Pissfight of the Trump-Cruz nomination battle, few of us payed little attention to what has been going on over [Read More]
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